CBT Ottawa- Facts that you should definitely know

The mind, emotions, and body- all are connected to each other. Cognitive behavioral therapy is all about understanding patient’s mental state so that they can deal with stress and anxiety. CBT treatment is the most effective way to treat psychological problems. This therapy is widely used and many people have turned their life back on the track with it. Here a few facts that you should know about CBT Ottawa : ΓΌ Changes in Brain Studies have proved that the behavior of human brain changes after completing this therapy. The brain before therapy is in a depressive state. The chronic stress generates radical, which kills brain cells. Also, it makes you absentminded and very emotional. You always remain anxious and frightened. The brain becomes unable to create new cells. The most surprising part here is that the antidepressant affects one portion of the brain that is only the emotional part. But, CBT treatment affects the entire bra...